Messy yet perfect
Biratnagar –the
industrial hub of Nepal— is a fast-paced city. At first glance, I thought I
would never like this place. Bumpy roads, dusty atmosphere and
polluted air— an Infrastructural mess—is how I described Biratnagar initially.
But more I lived here, more I learned about the city and its people, more my
dislikes changed into likes. Today, it won’t be wrong to say that unexpectedly
I fallen in love with this messy yet perfect city.
unexpectedly I am falling in love with this messy yet perfect city.
Answering a
question about what’s the best thing about the city, I listed places, things
and people that set Biratnagar apart from rest of the country.
I love the colorful,
noisy and spectacular view of Gudri Bazaar where vendors spread their jute bags
in uneven rows on the ground leaving just enough space for people to walk
through. Its inspiring to see how these vendors labor day and night— whether
its steaming hot or freezing cold— in the urge to earn better
That is why I loved
My favorite spot, Traffic Chowk, Biratnagar |
From savouring roasted
peanuts with a hot cup of tea to warming hands sitting beside a bonfire,
Biratnagar is an absolute delight in winter season. And it is winter that
introduced me to Vakka—a steamed rice cake which is garnished with green chili
chutney. The chutney makes all the difference as it give you a kick of
heat and flavor. Although it sounds rather simple, and it is, it’s one of
greatest tasting winter street food you’ll likely to eat in Biratnagar. And
also, don’t miss on the sweet vakka with jaggery filling.
Vakka with jiggery filling (Rs 20) at Traffic Chowk
That is why I loved
Jhalmuri (Rs 20) at Main Road, Biratnagar
Another Biratnagar
street food you will commonly find throughout the city, especially alongside
the busy roads like Traffic Chowk and Main Road is chatpatey & pani
puri/dahi puri. We do not need a reason to hang out at the roadside for these
crunchy snacks that’s tangy, spicy, and sweet from all the ingredients with a
wonderful balance of flavor.
Lip smacking aalu chat at Mahendra Chowk, Biratnagar
Dahi Puri (Rs 40) at Mahendra Chowk, Biratnagar
It’s the type of street food that once
you start eating it, you can’t stop—we just can’t resist the urge of digging
into these not-so healthy, yet so-scrumptious roadside delights.
That is why I loved
Biratnagar is probably one
of the best cities in Nepal to experience the rickshaw and safari ride. Rickshaw
is slow compared to safari yet both the rides give you a touch of roller
coasting feeling on the bumpy roads of Biratnagar.
Safari ride, Mahendra Chowk, Biratnagar
That is why I loved
Drinking cups of hot
chiya/coffee on the side of the street is one of the joys of visiting
Biratnagar. Chiya is not just a cup of tea, but it’s a hot and soothing brew
that offers a time to take a rest from the chaotic streets of the city, to
slowly sip and enjoy. Unlike Kathmandu, in Biratnagar we can see chiya/coffee
wala on most of the stree— carrying small kettle and seling chiya/coffee in
little paper cups.
Coffee (Rs. 20) at Main Road, Biratnagar
That is why I loved
Biratnagar in flood
And lastly, I love Biratnagar for the courageous soul that it carry. Last year when it rained
here, I wondered if the city will come to a stop. It literally was like the
hell broke down. I saw roads, airport and houses being over flown by rainwater.
Then when I went out, I saw vendors were still selling vegetables and people
were still rushing to offices. People somehow manage to live here, irrespective
of anything. The best part is they do it with a smile.
That is why I loved Biratnagar.
I Heart This City: Shraddha's Biratnagar
A face behind those drooling Jhalmuri
That smile though, Gudri Bazaar, Biratnagar
Swag, Ncell Mela, Biratnagar
Simple yet elegant women of Biratnagar
Every house tells your a story, Teenpaini, Biratnagar
Uninvited guest
My affair with sunsets, Gopal Fun Park, Biratnagar |
I realize Biratnagar is
simple, mundane and messy yet perfect.
That is why I loved Biratnagar.
Text & Photos By: Shraddha Thapa
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